Calculate due date how to#
Here's How To Choose The Right Sanitary Pads For Best Protection During Periods.Knowing the above facts you can start calculating EDD in the following ways Expected due date is only an approximation and not a date set on stone for your delivery.But in case of multiple pregnancies or induced labour the expected due date might change or defer.

A normal pregnancy lasts for about 40 weeks.In case of irregular periods if you do not remember the date of your last menstrual period, it might get tricky to calculate the expected due date without medical help like a sonography.It is easier to calculate the date if you have a regular menstrual cycle.Depending on your pregnancy and fetal development your labour can either happen before or few days after your EDD. Calculated expected due date may or may not be accurate always.But before you sit down to do the calculations it's wise to keep a few points in mind: Once your home pregnancy test confirms the good news and you give yourself enough time for the joy to sink in, the next thing you would want to know is your expected delivery date. Written by Debjani Arora | Updated : Octo5:13 PM IST Waiting to find out your expected due date.