Second, it does a passable job for 1860's-1900 Welsh to English, which is extremely commendable so 5+/5. On the one hand this is virtually the only app that which will translate Welsh at all, which makes me nuts, so 5/5 for that. Important details for those using LanguageTranslator to help learn a language! Didn’t try other languages to see if that was consistent across other languages. On the first try, the audio stayed with the English, then when I copied and pasted I got the ‘British’ male speaking Maori with a a ‘British’ accent. I had to copy the Maori, switch the languages around to get Maori as the language to be translated into English. When I switched the langague (what gets translated) I at first got English twice. I had English wanting to hear it in Maori, so the English was showing on top. I would also be nice to have an audio of both phrases versus just the audio of the phrase showing up on the top row.

Yes, that would be a lot of work to add in, but for those of us learning languages, it would be nice to hear a more authentic accent.
#Mate translate review how to#
it would be nice to have a native speaker say the phrase of the language? I tried Maori and it was a man with a notable ‘British’ accent, the same speaker and accent used for the English phrase while I was trying to figure out how to get LanguageTranslator to say the Maori phrase. Ok, I haven’t had LanguageTranslator very long and it looks pretty decent in what I’ve tried to use it for.